
Midyear Review: Stocks Maintain Momentum at Year’s Halfway Point

Investors who diversify, focus on the premiums, and embrace a flexible investing approach will still confront uncertainties in the year's second half. Uncertainty is unavoidable, and it accounts for the risk that can lead to positive returns.

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Midyear Review: Stocks Maintain Momentum at Year’s Halfway Point
( Posted in: Investments )

Climate-aware investing

Most forecasters ignore the effects of climate change in their economic projections or long-term return expectations. Our return expectations - the building blocks of our strategic asset allocation - are now able to reflect the impact of climate change on the investing landscape.

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Climate-aware investing
( Posted in: Investments )

3 Common Investing Mistakes

Many people start out managing their own investments. But as their earnings and assets grow, their financial needs and challenges become more complex—and continuing to go it alone could prove costly in terms of investing miscues.

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3 Common Investing Mistakes
( Posted in: Investments )

The three phases of retirement

In our experience, new clients that we meet are needing more education around the full retirement experience (The Care Free Years / The Quiet Years / The Frailty Years). If the Frailty Years are forgotten, there is a risk that a person is left vulnerable and without adequate means to fund care. This may lead to a loss of independence and choice or reduce the quality of life in this phase.

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The three phases of retirement
( Posted in: Aged Care )

Five financial moves to make in your 40s

Being in your 40s often involves balancing many responsibilities that it becomes easy to neglect your own financial wellbeing. But it’s not too late to secure your future. Here are some tips that may help you financially make the most of your 40s.

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Five financial moves to make in your 40s
( Posted in: General Finance )

2023: The Year that Wasn’t

Towards the end of the calendar year, there’s a natural tendency in the financial media to look both back and forward – back on the events of the past 12 months and forward to what we imagine the coming year will hold.

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2023: The Year that Wasn’t
( Posted in: General Finance )

Education Bond Case Studies

A look into how education bonds can be used to provide families the funds for children's education.

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Education Bond Case Studies
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

The RBA says the fight against inflation has entered a new phase. Here's what it means for interest rates

Australia has entered a new frontier in its fight against inflation after the Reserve Bank left interest rates on hold at 4.1 per cent for the second month in a row at its August meeting.

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The RBA says the fight against inflation has entered a new phase. Here's what it means for interest rates
( Posted in: General Finance )

Teaching children healthy money habits

As a parent, you try to ensure your children have the skills to make smart financial decisions. For example, you tell them about the importance of saving or the power of compounding interest. But did you know that you could be sending them negative money messages without meaning to?

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Teaching children healthy money habits
( Posted in: General Finance )

From Skynet to ChatGPT: AI and Its Investment Implications

If you were to poll strangers on what comes to mind when they hear the term AI (artificial intelligence), the two most likely answers would be Skynet or ChatGPT. The history of AI tools is far older than ChatGPT, although less dramatic than its depiction in 1990s science fiction films. And from an investment standpoint, artificial intelligence pales in comparison to the informational content of the market’s AI— aggregate intelligence.

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Business hand holding AI icon to digital marketing strategy idea ,target of investment growth, chatbot application
( Posted in: Investments )

May 2023 Federal Budget

The 2023 Federal Budget focuses on providing cost of living relief through lower power bills, higher welfare payments and more support for small business and housing.

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May 2023 Federal Budget
( Posted in: General Finance )

When Headlines Worry You, Bank on Investment Principles

On Friday, March 10, regulators took control of Silicon Valley Bank as a run on the bank unfolded. Two days later, regulators took control of a second lender, Signature Bank.

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When Headlines Worry You, Bank on Investment Principles
( Posted in: General Finance )

Government’s proposed changes to the taxation of super

The Government has announced that they intend to change to tax concessions on certain superannuation accounts if you have a total super balance of more than $3 million. While it is important to understand that this is just a proposal at this time, we understand that you may have some questions about whether this proposal could apply to you. 

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Government’s proposed changes to the taxation of super
( Posted in: Superannuation )

Market Review 2022: After a Down Year, Looking to the Past as a Guide

It was an up-and-down year for markets—in the end, one with more down than up. The world gave financial markets a lot to process. This review provides some key takeaways about the 2022 market.

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Market Review 2022: After a Down Year, Looking to the Past as a Guide
( Posted in: General Finance )

Upsize your retirement savings with downsizer contributions

The downsizer superannuation contribution provides an opportunity for eligible people aged 55 and over to sell their home and make a contribution to superannuation from the proceeds.

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Upsize your retirement savings with downsizer contributions
( Posted in: Superannuation )

Legislation passes reducing downsizer eligibility age to 55

Legislation reducing the eligibility age to make a downsizer super contribution from 60 to 55 has passed and awaits Royal Assent. The commencement date is 1 January 2023 if Royal Assent is received prior to this date, otherwise it is likely to be 1 April. We will update you when the commencement date is confirmed.

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Legislation passes reducing downsizer eligibility age to 55
( Posted in: Superannuation )

Trust the Financial Advisor Who Trusts the Market

With over 200,000 fnancial advisors in the United States, how do you pick one? First, eliminate the stock pickers. Those are the people making predictions about which stocks are going to be winners and losers. Cross off the market timers, too. They’re the ones who get into and out of the market, trying to buy the dip and sell at the peak.

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Trust the Financial Advisor Who Trusts the Market
( Posted in: General Finance )

Federal Budget Oct 2022 summary

This year’s Federal Budget focuses on providing relief for those with children, homebuyers and social security recipients whilst maintaining pre-election commitments. 

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Federal Budget Oct 2022 summary
( Posted in: General Finance )

How to Invest Better—and Live Better

It can be challenging to start a conversation about investing. That’s why I encourage having a conversation before the investing conversation—what I like to think of as a “preamble.” Connecting life principles to investment principles is a powerful way to ground abstract principles in reality, and to connect over universal experiences and feelings. It can also help make sense of investment concepts often dismissed as overly complex for those who aren’t familiar with them.

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How to Invest Better—and Live Better
( Posted in: Investments )

Small steps to great success

Financial success is often made by taking small steps to get there. It may seem daunting and overwhelming but like anything, if you have a professional guiding you along the way, small steps can lead to something great.

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Small steps to great success
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

Light at the End of the Inflation Tunnel?

It seems some investors have resigned themselves to a new normal of high inflation following decades of below-average consumer price changes. However, financial market data tells a different story, one of potentially softening inflation.

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Shining light at the end of a tunnel
( Posted in: General Finance )

Super Changes from 1 July 2022

Changes to super contribution rules from 1 July may create a great opportunity to revisit your savings and super contribution strategies. The changes may create new or enhanced options to build your savings. 

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Super Changes from 1 July 2022
( Posted in: Superannuation )

EOFY Tips and Tax Return Checklist

To help you complete your tax return, including if you’ve been working from home, this checklist outlines income and expenses you need to disclose to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when lodging your return. We’ve also provided an overview of the types of tax offsets and deductions you may be entitled to claim plus other handy tax tips. 

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EOFY Tips and Tax Return Checklist
( Posted in: General Finance )

Four Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement

Around the world, individuals are being asked to take on greater responsibility for their own retirement.

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Four Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement
( Posted in: General Finance )

2022 Federal Budget Analysis

This year’s Federal Budget covers a range of measures aiming to reduce the pressure from increased costs of living and help people into homes.

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the word budget on a blue background
( Posted in: General Finance )

Why does insurance matter?

Having a plan in place if things do take an unexpected turn can mean that our health, lifestyle and family are better protected.

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Why does insurance matter?
( Posted in: Insurance )

Five tips for looking after your household’s finances

Take the pain out of managing your family’s finances with some simple tips every family can use. 

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Five tips for looking after your household’s finances
( Posted in: General Finance )

A new year is a chance for a fresh start

New year is a great time for making lifestyle changes, however, for goals and changes affecting your financial health, there's often no better time than when starting a new job.

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A new year is a chance for a fresh start
( Posted in: General Finance )

Key Questions for Long-Term Investors

Whether you’ve been investing for decades or are just getting started, at some point on your investment journey you’ll likely ask yourself some of  the questions in this article.

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Key Questions for Long-Term Investors
( Posted in: General Finance )

What to Expect in my First Financial Advice Meeting

When you haven't done something before, you can be nervous. When it comes to your first Financial Advice meeting at Endura we want you to be clear on exactly what's going to happen. Watch this video to find out more.

( Posted in: General Finance )

The True Value of Advice - Confidence Delivers

Confidence helps you get more out of life. A recent landmark survey found that for clients who received financial advice, they were free from financial stress. And when you're not stressed, you live a better life.

( Posted in: General Finance )

11 Tax Facts about Superannuation

Compared to other investment structures, super is widely considered to be one of the most tax-effective investment structures available from a wealth accumulation and cash flow generation perspective. Although not a comprehensive list, below are 11 of the top tax facts about super. 

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11 Tax Facts about Superannuation
( Posted in: Superannuation )

How do you know when the advice is right?

Seeking financial advice can turn your life around and put you on a path to a happier and more secure financial future. But where do you start? Who do you trust? How do you know you are going to get value for money? 

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How do you know when the advice is right?
( Posted in: General Finance )

Navigating your way through a redundancy

The Australian Bureau of Statistics announced a record 932,000 jobs were lost between the March and June 2020 quarters in the wake of COVID-19. While the Government extended temporary economic assistance for most businesses until March 2021, it has gradually been phased back which may result in many businesses downsizing, winding up or becoming bankrupt. This means it’s possible that more jobs may be lost in the coming months.

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Illustration of a woman who lost her job due to COVID19
( Posted in: General Finance )

How will the Federal Budget affect you?

During this year’s Federal Budget announcement Treasurer Josh Frydenberg stated “Australia is back!”. The Budget proposes positive changes to superannuation, an extension of the low and middle income tax offsets and a boost to aged care services.

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How will the Federal Budget affect you?
( Posted in: General Finance )

Why Insurance Matters

In a year that has seen so many unexpected events take place it is top of mind for most Australians now more than ever that life does not always go the way we plan, but having a plan in place if things do take an unexpected turn can mean that our health, lifestyle and family are better protected. 

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Why Insurance Matters
( Posted in: Insurance )

Update on the housing market

Last May we discussed the likely impact of the Coronavirus on the Australian property market and concluded that the pandemic will place downward pressures on the general level of house prices by either reducing demand or increasing supply.

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Update on the housing market
( Posted in: General Finance )

What financial mistakes have you made?

Have you made a big financial mistake in the past? One that cost you a lot of time and money to fix? One that caused you a big headache? 

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What financial mistakes have you made?
( Posted in: General Finance )

Five ways to stick to your financial resolution

Setting a financial goal for the New Year? Take steps to make it work. 

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Illustration of being smart with money in 2021
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

Endura Private Wealth is 100% committed to the BFO

Endura Private Wealth is 100% committed to the Banking and Finance Oath that re-asserts the ethical foundation of the industry.

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Endura Private Wealth is 100% committed to the BFO
( Posted in: General Finance )

Advisers exceed expectation of 95% of clients

Most (90%) of advised clients are left in a better financial position after accessing financial advice and 95% thought their adviser always met or exceeded their expectation, according to a survey.

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Financial planner sitting with a couple going over budgets
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

How To Choose A Top Financial Adviser

Many people don’t consider consulting a financial adviser until they are close to retirement. However, for the best chance for financial independence in your retirement, the earlier you start working on your financial plan, the better.

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How To Choose A Top Financial Adviser
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

Do you have more than one super account?

Did you know there is over 101 million Australians with a superannuation account, approximately 36% of which hold more super accounts, which make up $20.82 billion in ‘lost super’. Is some of that yours?

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Do you have more than one super account?
( Posted in: Superannuation )

The Pizza Pandemic

The global pandemic wrought by COVID-19 has created great uncertainty among policymakers, investors, workers and consumers, but it’s worth noting that its repercussions on the economy and the share market have not been all in one direction.

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COVID-19 abstract illustration with white text The Pizza Pandemic
( Posted in: General Finance )

Take control of your retirement

Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income.

The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age increases by six months every two years until it reaches 67 in July 2023. It rises to 66 in July this year.

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Take control of your retirement
( Posted in: General Finance )

Five tips for looking after your large household’s finances

Taking care of household finances can be taxing, especially if you have a big family. But with proper planning and budgeting, there’s no need to stress.

Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your household finances.

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Illustration of a large family
( Posted in: Budgeting )

Less for longer: Extension of JobSeeker and JobKeeper Payments

On 21 July 2020 the Government announced a range of proposals to the JobKeeper and JobSeeker Payments as existing arrangements are set to expire in late September 2020. Certain tax concessions to assist businesses were also extended and have been legislated.

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Less for longer: Extension of JobSeeker and JobKeeper Payments
( Posted in: General Finance )

Get Insurance while you're still bulletproof

According to research by TAL insurance provider the cost of personal insurance soars after the age of 35. This is also the time in our lives that you may be going through significant change such as marriage, children, a bigger mortgage and more responsibilities.

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Get Insurance while you're still bulletproof
( Posted in: Insurance )

The Dangers of DIY Trading

Many people have taken advantage of the coronavirus lockdown to learn new skills—from baking bread, to knitting, to learning a language. But trading securities, like rewiring the house, is not something you should do without professional advice.

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The Dangers of DIY Trading
( Posted in: General Finance )

Do Downturns Lead to Down Years?

Stock market slides over a few days or months may lead investors to anticipate a down year. But a broad Australian
market index had positive returns in 15 of the past 19 calendar years, despite some notable dips in many of those years.

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Do Downturns Lead to Down Years?
( Posted in: General Finance )