
COVID-19 update

Updates that we feel you need to be aware of about our office, the investment market, and how to get through 2020.

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geometric 3d render of coronavirus in blue
( Posted in: General Finance )

Helping your children, financially speaking

As a parent you probably have great expectations for your child. They will have everything you had and more! You will consider their every need and make the most of every opportunity to help them get ahead, right?

Whilst every parent wants their child to be healthy, happy and financially secure, figuring out how to get them there is another thing. Working with a financial adviser can help you understand options available to financially help your children, and teach them how to take control of their financial future once it is time for you to step out of the equation, and them to step up. Introducing these discussions as a family from early on means you can get help for your children that will serve them well into their future.

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Helping your children, financially speaking
( Posted in: General Finance )

Downsizing when you retire

Many retirees consider ‘Downsizing’ their home at some point. This is often for financial reasons (as the current home may now be too big) or to move into a new house better equipped to accommodate them. Over the last few years, Endura Private Wealth has specialised in providing guidance on ‘Downsizing’ for residents from Malvern to Prahran and Caulfield to Glen Iris.

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Downsizing when you retire
( Posted in: General Finance )

Changes to income protection insurance

Also known as ‘salary continuance insurance’ or ‘disability income insurance’, income protection provides a portion of your income, for example 75% of your annual salary, if you are unable to work due to injury or sickness for a certain period of time. You need to advise your annual salary when you take out the cover.

Income protection policies always have a waiting period and a payment period. The waiting period is the time you must wait from when you make a valid claim, to the time you become eligible to start receiving payments. The payment period is the period you can be paid so long as you remain unable to work. Other terms and conditions apply depending on the policy. All of these factors affect the level of premiums you pay.

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Changes to income protection insurance
( Posted in: Insurance )

Successful Investor Secrets

The investment world can change dramatically from one month to the next. But these secrets of successful investors never go out of style.

Successful investing can be one of your biggest allies in the quest for long-term financial security. Unfortunately, unsuccessful investing can leave you wishing you’d kept your money in the bank. 

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Successful Investor Secrets
( Posted in: General Finance )

Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight Isn't

The year 2019 served up many examples of the unpredictability of markets.

Download and read this article issued by DFA Australia Limited (AFS Licence No. 238093. ABN 46 065 937 671). Material provided for information only.

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Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight Isn't
( Posted in: General Finance )

Taking the mystery out of the jargon

When it comes to super, all too often it can seem to be in another language. But when you understand the language, everything starts to make a lot more sense. To help, we explain some commonly used superannuation jargon.

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white piggy bank with Superannuation written on its side
( Posted in: Superannuation )

All I want for Christmas is to survive debt free!

Christmas is just around the corner and it’s easy to get caught up in the festivities of the season. Unfortunately this can be bad news for your finances. After a year of careful spending don’t let Christmas blow your budget. Follow these tips and emerge in the New Year without the financial hangover.

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Decorated Christmas Tree
( Posted in: Budgeting )

True value of advice

There’s plenty to consider when trying to secure your financial future. Should I pay off the mortgage or put money into super.... but what about renovations? When can I stop work? How do I afford the children’s education?

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happy couple relaxed after getting financial advice
( Posted in: Financial Planning )

Meeting your future lifestyle needs

Whether you’re at the beginning of your working life, have been working for a number of years, or already enjoying your retirement, professional financial advice can make a difference when it comes to achieving your financial goals and meeting your future lifestyle needs.

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senior woman smiling as she paints
( Posted in: Wealth Management )

Investing in a volatile market

Warren Buffet, arguably the world’s most successful investor, has long championed the 'buy-and-hold' investment strategy on quality stocks. It's a philosophy many aspire to, but history has shown that rarely do we have the patience.

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Double explosure with businesss charts of graph and rows of coins for finance
( Posted in: Investments )

Salary sacrificing - not such a sacrifice

A global survey of people's attitudes to retirement savings shows while Australians expect to spend, on average, 23 years in retirement, their money will run out after only just 10 years.  This gap in retirement savings, affectionately called ‘the retirement gap’ is a growing concern and more and more Australians are looking for ways to boost their super savings.

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Growing wealth concept. Growing plants with coin piles
( Posted in: Superannuation )

ATO diversification probe may cause audit headaches

Some SMSF trustees with annual returns due in October may need to re-audit their accounts for the last financial year, following a warning from the ATO that funds which are highly concentrated in one asset must present a compliant investment strategy to their auditor or risk penalties of over $4,000.

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Business people going through graphs
( Posted in: Superannuation )

First steps to building your wealth

Looking for the most effective way to build your wealth? Not sure where to start? The first thing you need to do is determine your needs and goals, both short and long term.

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building wealth concept. Figures constructing coin towers.
( Posted in: Wealth Management )

Second marriage - what are the estate planning implications?

Getting married is a joyous time. However, if you are one of the 20 per cent of Australians who will do so a second (or more!) time, children from a previous marriage can present complex estate planning challenges.

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middle aged couple getting married
( Posted in: Estate Planning )

Going overseas? Don't forget to tell Centrelink

Many people look forward to the opportunity to enjoy their retirement by travelling overseas. For some, it means they plan to live overseas on a permanent basis so they can take advantage of lower living costs while for others it may mean reuniting with relatives who live overseas.

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Retired couple exploring Spain
( Posted in: Centrelink )

What is the value of an Adviser?

A new report has dived into the value of advisers and found that they deliver value of at least 4.4 per cent or more every year to their clients beyond investment-only advice.

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What is the value of an Adviser?
( Posted in: General Finance )

Make the right retirement living choice

Many of us save and plan for retirement, with our main focus on ensuring we have enough money to live the type of lifestyle that we want. Although this is an important aspect of planning ahead, another key consideration is planning where we will live during our retirement.

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Make the right retirement living choice
( Posted in: Aged Care )

Further Information

Following our update from last week, we would like to provide you with further information on the business changes to take place shortly.

We are excited to announce that from the 1st August 2019 knp Financial Services will be changing our name to Endura Private Wealth.

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Further Information
( Posted in: General Finance )

Investing for children

One of the world’s leading investors and philanthropist, Warren Buffet once said "A very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing”.

It’s only natural that every parent, regardless of their financial position, wants the best for their children. So if you’re in a position to invest money specifically for your children’s future, you should consider your options carefully – just as you would if you were investing for yourself.

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Investing for children
( Posted in: Investments )

An exciting new development

knp Financial Services (knpFS) are now ready to share an exciting development for our business. From 1 August 2019, knpFS will operate as an independent entity, which will see our firm relocate, rebrand and regenerate our service offering.

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An exciting new development
( Posted in: General Finance )

Uncovering the mystery of tax on super

The rules regarding super and tax are complex and, for many, the tax paid when putting money into super, its earnings while invested, and when benefits are finally paid can be a mystery. We take a look at how superannuation is taxed.

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Uncovering the mystery of tax on super
( Posted in: Superannuation )

Smart ways to give

Choosing to give money to charity or charitable causes that you care passionately about can be straightforward but there are several different ways you can give.

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Smart ways to give
( Posted in: Philanthropy )

Mythbusting insurance

Most people wouldn’t dream of taking their car on the road without car insurance, or living in a house without home and contents insurance. But when it comes to taking up insurance to protect their life or income, most Australians act indifferently.

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Mythbusting insurance
( Posted in: Insurance )

Can your Will be challenged?

Yes it can, but only in certain situations. While most people try hard to strike a fair balance when they write their Will, sometimes there may be people who are unhappy with how the estate has been divided and decide to challenge it.

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Can your Will be challenged?
( Posted in: Estate Planning )

How to find the right financial adviser for you

When it comes to getting financial advice, it's imperative to find someone you trust.

But with the financial services royal commission revealing a culture of greed in the financial advice industry, it's hard to know where to turn for advice.

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How to find the right financial adviser for you
( Posted in: General Finance )

Is debt ruling your life?

Student loans, credit cards and personal loans can be helpful at the time, however often become a source of unnecessary stress later on.

Clearing your debts doesn’t have to be hard work. With the right plan, it’s possible to get your finances on track sooner than you think - and back to living the good life, guilt-free. Here are some tips to help you get out of debt.

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Is debt ruling your life?
( Posted in: Budgeting )

Going overseas? Don't forget to tell Centrelink

Many people look forward to the opportunity to enjoy their retirement by travelling overseas. For some, it means they plan to live overseas on a permanent basis so they can take advantage of lower living costs while for others it may mean reuniting with relatives who live overseas.

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Going overseas? Don't forget to tell Centrelink
( Posted in: Centrelink )

Aged care - part of your plan

It can be difficult to plan, both financially or emotionally, for the move into an aged care facility. When choosing the best care as a part of your retirement – or for loved ones – many practical issues arise and decisions need to be made. It’s important to know what’s involved and have the confidence to face the challenges of aged care. Here are some tips to get you started:

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Woman helping senior man with finances on clipboard and tablet.
( Posted in: Aged Care )

Money doesn't grow on trees

Children certainly don’t come with an instruction manual. From the time they’re learning to crawl parents begin teaching their children about right and wrong, personal safety, manners and morals. Over time, children are taught about stranger-danger, healthy eating and personal accountability. Interestingly however, many Australian parents leave out one of the most important survival skills their children will need in the future - how to take care of themselves financially.

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Money doesn't grow on trees
( Posted in: Wealth Management )

Spotlight on SMSFs

Australians who want greater control of how their retirement savings are invested are increasingly exploring the option of setting up their own self-managed super fund (SMSF). The freedom of putting yourself in the driver’s seat for your super has made SMSFs the fastest growing sector of the super industry.

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Spotlight on SMSFs
( Posted in: Superannuation )

Banking Royal Commission

We at knp Financial Services welcome the public release of the Royal Commission’s Final Report and we are currently undertaking a thorough review of its recommendations and how this may impact you. 

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Banking Royal Commission

New job resolutions

Birthdays and new years are great times for making lifestyle changes, however, for resolutions affecting your financial health, there’s often no better time than when starting a new job.

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New job resolutions

What really influences interest rates?

Interest rates are very important for many Australians, and rightly so – after all, whether it's the returns on savings accounts or mortgage repayments, the rate of the day can have a significant impact on the household budget for millions of Australians. So what influences interest rates, and why are they changed?

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What really influences interest rates?